30th International Rexx Symposium

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30th International Rexx Symposium

Dear Rexx User,

The 30th International Rexx Symposium will be held 23-25 September 2019 at Hursley Park, Winchester, UK.  IBM has graciously allowed us to use the "Birthplace of Rexx" for this significant event.

This year we are celebrating 40 years of Rexx and 30 years of the Symposium.  It will be a special event with many Rexx luminaries in attendance, including interpreter, compiler, and interface developers.  If you have never attended a Symposium, this is a unique opportunity to meet them and your fellow Rexx enthusiasts.  The program will provide ideas, insight, inspiration, and interaction with the most accomplished Rexx practitioners in the world.

The Symposium program will run from Monday through Wednesday.  There will be sessions on Classic Rexx, Object Rexx, NetRexx, BSF4Rexx, and innovative uses of the language on novel platforms.  We are soliciting presentations on the use of any Rexx processor on any platform, from the z/Series to Linux to RaspberryPi.  Would you like to run ObjectRexx on z/OS?  Do you prefer Rexx to bash on Linux?  Have you ported Rexx to Android?  Visit the Past Symposiums webpage:


to discovery the depth, variety, and value of Rexx Symposium sessions.

We intend to formally release ooRexx 5.0.0 during the Symposium. RexxLA committee meetings will address plans for future Rexx language development.  You are welcome to participate.

Social events are planned for the days before and after the Symposium to allow you to make and renew friendships from around the world. This is Britain; there will surely be pubs involved.

To register for the 2019 Rexx Symposium, visit our Registration webpage:


to take advantage of the surprisingly affordable Earlybird Rate of $30 for the full three-day event.  Online credit cards and PayPal accepted.

See you in Hursley!

The 30th International Rexx Symposium Planning Committee
Ibm-netrexx mailing list
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