Ad on-the-fly-compiler, info ad "asm"

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Ad on-the-fly-compiler, info ad "asm"

Rony G. Flatscher (wu-wien)
Hi there,

just learned that "asm" (cf. <>) has now support for not only
generating Java byte code, but also Dalvik byte code, cf.

So if you intend to target Android and dynamic creation of code, "asm" may become even more attractive.


P.S.: As I have started to use asm heavily for BSF4ooRexx (cutting back on Janino), it may be the
case that sometimes in the future, whenever someone ports ooRexx to Android, I could start to try to
port BSF4ooRexx as well, including the callback abilities. Then a combination/co-operation between
NetRexx and ooRexx would be possible on that platform too!

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