Announcing the 29th International Rexx Language Symposium, 2018

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Announcing the 29th International Rexx Language Symposium, 2018

Dear Rexx users,

I am happy to announce the 29th International Rexx Language symposium, which will take place on Aruba, 24-29th of March, 2018. For people who visited earlier symposia, it will be just as stimulating, will give early access to new knowledge and insights, and enables you to network with others in our Rexx community. But … it will be a bit more relaxed, due to the tropical surroundings, and is spread out over a few more days, so you can settle in and enjoy the environment.

As usual, we will have classes on the Sunday (25th), in which you can learn Rexx, ooRexx, BSF4ooRexx, NetRexx and Pipes for NetRexx. The symposium proper will run from Monday until Wednesday. The Saturday (24th) and Thursday (29th) will have social events and RexxLA meetings, taking the fact into account that the symposia are an opportunity to meet friends from overseas, and make plans for Rexx developments for the rest of the year.

You are cordially invited to join. The homepage of RexxLA gives you the opportunity to register. There will be an interesting roster of publications, that (in another tradition) will be filled in during the coming weeks. For Rexx enthousiasts who are new to the Symposium, have a look at the previous years to see the value in our presentations.

It is our intention to formally release ooRexx 5.0.0 during the symposium; there will be news around that occasion. There are certain to be sessions on Mainframe Rexx (Classic Rexx, but also ooRexx for Z), and NetRexx 3.06 including the new Annotations feature, and ooRexx and BSF4Rexx. Convince your managers that we will be working hard in air conditioned rooms. They can join if they do not believe you.

[if you are a real Rexx language fan and are registered to different mailing lists, you might receive this message multiple times, as it is intentionally cross-posted to reach an audience as wide as possible. Feel free to forward it to other mailing lists as well.]

best regards,

René Jansen.

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