Calling COBOL from NetRexx with parameters

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Calling COBOL from NetRexx with parameters

Pierre Lessard

Is anyone succeeded in calling some cobol programs (on VM/ESA 2.4) from
NetRexx with passing and receiving back some parameters? As I can read,
there is 3 possible solutions to pass parameters and call cobol program from

1. Doing a Runtime.exec( '  cms command here or Open/VM command ' ) then
reading from / in std input and std output
2. Using the CMSPipe class from NetRexx... but to load and start a cobol
program? and how the cobol program can actually write / read to the pipe?
any examples?
3. Using the CMSRexx to call a Rexx program which himself calls a cobol?

What about multi-threading? e.g. calling many cobol program at the same time
with the CMSPipe class?

Your help, advise is always appreciated!

Thank you!
