Hi there,
in a more complex software (PP), I am encountering still javac errors,
not recognized by NetRexxC.
For example:
java -cp
-Dnrx.compiler=ecj org.netrexx.process.NetRexxC Declarer.nrx
NetRexx portable processor 3.04 GA build 4-20150630-1657
Copyright (c) RexxLA, 2011,2015. All rights reserved.
Parts Copyright (c) IBM Corporation, 1995,2008.
Program Declarer.nrx
=== class com.thsitc.pp.machine.Declarer ===
constructor Declarer()
overrides Scan()
constructor Declarer(Rexx)
overrides Scan(Rexx)
method DeclFile(Rexx,Rexx)
Compilation of 'Declarer.nrx' failed [javac failed]
1. ERROR in \Declarer.java (at line 47)
The type com.thsitc.pp.rexx.in.InObjects cannot be resolved. It is
indirectly referenced from required .class files
1 problem (1 error)
There are 2 comments on this from my side:
1.) The Javac.log above is only displayed on the screen.
I had to issue an:
nrc Declarer.nrx -savelog 2>Javac.log
to capture the output !
2.) It would be helpful if the javac-errors would be avail in the
NetRexxC.log :-)
Thomas Schneider
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