Welcome to the Baeldung Newsletter!

Let's start with the guide:
"Microservices with Spring Boot and Cloud" (pdf)

I hope you'll get a lot out of this material - the main reason I wrote it is to help others learn the easy way best practices I got the hard way, during the seven years building web applications with Spring.

What to Expect

Being on someone's email list - at least for me - is a big deal. I like to know what to expect.
With that in mind, in any given week I'll send out 3 emails - 2 from an email course teaching how to build applications with Java and Spring.
And on Friday, I'll send you the Java Web Weekly.

Quick Question for You

Finally - I'm always trying to better understand my readers - so I'll finish up with a quick question:

How long have you been developing Java applications?

Don't worry about going into too much detail - just hit Reply and shoot me a supremely short answer - for example: 
2 years.

P.S. I like to make sure these emails actually get to your inbox. A good way to do that is to add me to your address book. 
Here's a good simple instruction page on exactly how to do that.

Talk to you in a few days,