Fwd: [nbdev] Generated Code

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Fwd: [nbdev] Generated Code

Hello Rene,

   wouldn't that be a *goog time* to announce the advantages of NetRexx to the *NetBeans Group*?


-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [nbdev] Generated Code
Datum: Fri, 22 Oct 2010 17:34:51 +0000
Von: aarnold [hidden email]
Antwort an: [hidden email]
An: [hidden email]

I have been given a prototype of a JAVA App where the GUI was laid out using NetBeans design view. I have to decide how much of the code is useful for my development of the actual product. My fear is that if I pick up the prototype GUI code, I am tying my development and future maintenance of the GUI to Netbeans. NetBeans warns you not to muck around with its generated code. I know you can if you really want to, but it�s not the best idea, right? The other big issue is that there are going to be multiple developers assigned to this project, so i don't want to tie them to Netbeans as well. 

One last question: The prototype basically is one big class.... does Netbeans designer just through all the code (GUI and Event handling) together? How can you get it to not do that? And how can you get it to spread the code among multiple classes? 


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