Hi Rene (& all):
Has anybody, meanwhile, *undertaken the effort* to *localize* the
NetRexx Info/Warning/Errror/Abort messages ?
If *Yes*: where do *I find the german version (at least)* ?
If *No*: Do You think that would be a *nice feature* for *NetRexx 4.00* ?
Thomas Schneider
CEO ThSITC: Thomas Schneider, IT-Consulting
(sorry, www.Rexx2Nrx.com has been totally inadvertantly deleted by My
Provider, www.nessus.at ...
... but: It's still available on request, but the URL: www.Rexx2Nrx.com
has gone :-( :-( :-()
I shall upload the most recent version to *www.thsitc.com* quite soon,
after the current final tests,
so to say in the *next Monthes* ;-) ;-) ;-))
Massa Tho'Massa (as my african friends do call me since 40 Year's or so
;-) ;-) ;-)=
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