I have been at a quite interesting MeetUp of DROIDCON Vienna past
ThursDay, 7th of April, 2016 ;-)
Mr. Niedermühlbichler did present:
Coding Android with *Kotlin*.
Kotlin is, as NetRexx, fully interoperable with Java, and has been
developped by *JetBrains*.
Version 1.1 has been released Feb. 2016.
I also did get at this MeetUp some interesting insights of *Gradle Scripts*.
*Gradle* is Groovy, someone noted...
The MeetUp has been sponsored by *Shpock*:
Die Flohmarkt App für schöne Dinge (an ANDROID App).
Most interesting Kotlin supports Java 8 *Lambda's*, and has an interesting
concept of handling *preferences*, by importing:
import android.content.sharedPreferences
Also, *Anko* has been referenced, where Anko is a Domain specific
Language (DSL) for Kotlin.
Details about Kotlin might be found at:
Rene, and all: I think we should adapt some of the ideas of Kotlin
for NetRexx vs. 4.00
Full Stop, and Greetings from Vienna
Thomas Schneider
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Thomas Schneider, Vienna, Austria (Europe) :-)