Hello Rene, and all!

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Hello Rene, and all!

The Corona-Virus is currently SHUTTING DOWN social contacts (except thru
mail &/ the Internet) worldwide. Bad News.

Nevertheless, Rene:

1.) I am still alive (sorry ;-)) and still waiting for the upcoming next
NetRexx release, namely for the relelase of the support of Java Modules,
thus to enable me my own work to the public as OPEN SOURCE to the proper

2.) may I thus ask You, Rene Vincent Jansen, when You are now planning
this next release of NetRexxC.

3.) If I shall be in a position with my own SOURCE Code, and Utilities,
to assist You to support this upcoming release, please simply let me
know by private mail.

Keep all HEALTHY, please, anyway.

Take CARE of Yourself, please.

Thanks in advance,

Thomas Schneider, Vienna, Austria.

www.Rexx2Nrx7.com    (still empty, as UNDER Construction)



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Thomas Schneider, Vienna, Austria (Europe) :-)

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Re: Hello Rene, and all!


NetRexx 3.09 will be released officially any day now. I want to include Windows native executables, to enable users to use higher Java versions. For macOS and Linux these work already.
This, however, does not contain module support. The relation of the release of you software, or open source, with the Java module system is not clear to me.

best regards,


> On 15 Mar 2020, at 17:11, Thomas Schneider <[hidden email]> wrote:
> The Corona-Virus is currently SHUTTING DOWN social contacts (except thru mail &/ the Internet) worldwide. Bad News.
> Nevertheless, Rene:
> 1.) I am still alive (sorry ;-)) and still waiting for the upcoming next NetRexx release, namely for the relelase of the support of Java Modules, thus to enable me my own work to the public as OPEN SOURCE to the proper parties!
> 2.) may I thus ask You, Rene Vincent Jansen, when You are now planning this next release of NetRexxC.
> 3.) If I shall be in a position with my own SOURCE Code, and Utilities, to assist You to support this upcoming release, please simply let me know by private mail.
> Keep all HEALTHY, please, anyway.
> Take CARE of Yourself, please.
> Thanks in advance,
> Thomas Schneider, Vienna, Austria.
> www.Rexx2Nrx7.com    (still empty, as UNDER Construction)
> www.thsitc.com
> www.db-123.com
> --
> This email has been checked for viruses by AVG.
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