I'm always *wondering* why Netrexx does REPORT static Methods as Function's, but does Not allow the keyword FUNCTION for brevity. for clearness

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I'm always *wondering* why Netrexx does REPORT static Methods as Function's, but does Not allow the keyword FUNCTION for brevity. for clearness

Heelo there, Cracy Unle Thomas, speaking again!

Why do we not simply allow the KeyWords *Function*, as well as *Routine*
in Netrexx, please ?

A *static method* is reported as a *Function* by the NetRexx Compiler,

So why, please, do we *not* allow the short terms:

Function abc(...)  *in addition to the more cumbersome* method abc(...)
static ?

Same question, of course, is for Routines ...

Adding those two *new Verbs* (namely Function, Routine) in addition to
the (more general)

shall be *most natural for any and all human beeings*, and would simply
reduce confusion,
when reading the NetRexx Compiler output!

Human sense, *or* what, at all ?

Thomas Schneider

PS: Mike, we did discuss this, years ago, I do know.

But my *personal feeling* is, and was, that the Compiler Output should
show only
*terms* Defined in the language (and: *Function* is *not* defined in the
language, at all,
as far as I do know!

End of interrupt.
Thomas Schneider CEO ThSITC IT Consulting KG Erdbergstr. 52-60/1/13 1030
Wien http://www.thsitc.com Austria, Europe Skype ID:
Thomas.Schneider.Wien Member of the Rexx Languge Asscociation
(www.rexxla.org) Member of the NetRexx Developer's Team (www.netrexx.org)

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Thomas Schneider, Vienna, Austria (Europe) :-)
