Hi Rene, and all!
Back in 2011, as far as I do remember, I did donate my 'utils' and
'runtime' packages to RexxLA.
As I am now preparing a NEW RELEASE of 'utils', the 'runtime', as well
as Rexx2Nrx vs. 7,
I shall need to know, whether You would like them to be in:
org.netrexx ....
*Or* I should put them as *Open Source* to Sourceforge by my own again!
Pls. reply as soon as possible.
Anyway, I did decide to put all of my stuff OPEN SOURCE, with proper
testcases, of course.
Gary Patrick's PostGreSQL (BIGSQL) program originally called 'jdbc',
called GB1.nrx on my desk
shall be the first testcase ...
Happy new Year 2018, all of You, first of all, of course.
Thomas Schneider, Vienna, Austria
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