In compiling my own software, which seem's to be rather hughe, and is
now all in NetRexx:
I am detecting now and then some unforeseen problems (maybe bug's?) in
the NetRexxC 2.05
I do, at the minute, have found an *overcome*, as I call it, for those
problems, but would like
to *initiate* a formal bug reporting procedure at
Hence, my question(s):
Rene, is now such a procedure aleady established ?
As my problem's seem to only occur in larger program's (as simple
testcases do not show
the same problem's), and as this group does NOT support attached files,
I'm herewith requesting
that a formal statement is sent out (probably by Rene) where and how
bug's (with attached
source files) may and should be reported!
Kind regards from Vienna,
Thomas Schneider (
Ibm-netrexx mailing list
[hidden email]
Thomas Schneider, Vienna, Austria (Europe) :-)