IBM Rexx Compiler compatilibility

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IBM Rexx Compiler compatilibility

Just, as I did have some private e-mails on this TOPIC:

Rexx2Nrx (see is IBM Rexx Compiler Compatible, i.e. it
understand some (ancient *and* cryptic) notations as:


(which does mean, that the IBM COMPILER *compiles this INCLUDED File*,
*but* (unfortunanatly) ooRexx (and, also Rexx), DO IGNORE them, as they are
denoted as *COMMENTS*.

It's a PITY, isn't it ??

(end of CROSS-Postings).

When you are interested to help me in the BETA Test of the OPEN SOURCE
of Rexx2Nrx release 7.00 (renamed to Rey: Rexx for Java),

please subscribe  GOOGLE Group  Rexx2Nrx  (the 'classic ' Rexx  to
NetRexx Translator)
and/or ReyC (the Rey Compiler).

thanks for listening.

Thomas Schneider, from dark Vienna, Austria.

(vulgo Tom.)

Tom. (