Just a warning: A classpath item may NOT be preceeded by blanks!

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Just a warning: A classpath item may NOT be preceeded by blanks!

Hello there,

I have found a curious behaviour at least in Java8, which I did search
for since start of December, 2019, at least:

You may not preceed a classpath item by blanks, e.g.:

File: devel_pp.bat:

rem Init PP development
rem \.thsitc\bin contains all Windows batch programs of ThSITC
rem \.thsitc\lib contains all other jar-files needed/wanted
rem ============================================================
path=.;%path%;\.thsitc\bin;\NetRexx\bin;\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_162\bin
set classpath=.;\netrexx\lib\NetRexxC.jar; \.thsitc\lib\Rexx2RTP.jar
set classpath=%classpath%;\.thsitc\lib\utils.jar;\.thsitc\lib\Rexx2Nrx.jar
set classpath=%classpath%;\.thsitc\lib\db123.jar;\.thsitc\lib\PP.jar;
cd \com\thsitc\pp
call cmd.exe

DIDN'T work, as it didn't find the classes in Rexx2RTP.jar (formerly  in
compatibility.jar) for yet unknown reason.

NetRexxC did complain with an error message that it cannot any more find
RexxFile, RexxMsg, or any other classes contained in Rexx2RTP.

Today, I did fortunately remove the two leading blanks in my second line
of the devel_pp.bat, so that it does now look like:

rem Init PP development
rem \.thsitc\bin contains all Windows batch programs of ThSITC
rem \.thsitc\lib contains all other jar-files needed/wanted
rem ============================================================
path=.;%path%;\.thsitc\bin;\NetRexx\bin;\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_162\bin
set classpath=.;\netrexx\lib\NetRexxC.jar;\.thsitc\lib\Rexx2RTP.jar
set classpath=%classpath%;\.thsitc\lib\utils.jar;\.thsitc\lib\Rexx2Nrx.jar
set classpath=%classpath%;\.thsitc\lib\db123.jar;\.thsitc\lib\PP.jar;
cd \com\thsitc\pp
call cmd.exe

and fortunately, NetRexxC does now work as expected.

I am forwarding this issue just as a WARNING for an unexpected behaviour.

Have a good Year 2020, anyway.


Thomas Schneider, Vienna, Austria.

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Thomas Schneider, Vienna, Austria (Europe) :-)
