Microsoft Visual Studio and NetRexx

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Microsoft Visual Studio and NetRexx

Marc Remes-2
Microsoft released their Visual Studio Code environment to Linux and Mac, next to Windows
It has a lot of useful plug-ins and language support, but no NetRexx.

Is anyone looking at building NetRexx integration?


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Re: Microsoft Visual Studio and NetRexx

Hi Marc,

I keep hearing good things about Visual Studio Code and I see people using it here at work, in a trendy Dark Mode. (Of course, 3270 had Dark Mode from the beginning. Me working on z/VM next to them, on MacOS night mode, makes for a consistent appearance).

It would be great if someone could look into that! I am too busy at the moment, but I will do a quick check on it, to see which formats it accepts. Maybe we can have a look at the support for nano and see what can be done. (Like, if someone had done a formatter for TextMate, we now would be very close to Atom and Sublime and Brackets support because those all look alike qua syntax colourers).

best regards,


> On 5 Jul 2019, at 12:34, Marc Remes <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Microsoft released their Visual Studio Code environment to Linux and Mac, next to Windows .
> It has a lot of useful plug-ins and language support, but no NetRexx.
> Is anyone looking at building NetRexx integration?
> --
> Marc
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