My ancient NetRexx improvements ...

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My ancient NetRexx improvements ...

Hello there,

by cleaning up my own ancient Windows 10 Computer (3 Years old, hence
ancient) ...

... I did find an ancient document of mine I would like to RE-PUBLISH again:


Hello there,

    as I did not get any answer where to address these issues on, I will now
    start to make this conversation ONLINE on this group.

    First, I must admit, that NetRexx is perfectly designed :-)

    Second, as I cannot usee attached files, I am simply typing it in
here :-(

    Third,  I do have a (personal) wish-list:

all opinions are personal opinions of course, but I'm throwing them now
in as
an input for NetRexx 3-5 )

1.) Syntax and semantics of the end statement.

     The 'end' clause should allow an optionional argument to say 'what
do I end'

     select case a
        when 'abc' then ...
        when 'def' then ...
        otherwise ...
     end select ...

      This would make the usage of Notes (line comments) at the end

    Semantics: If any structured clauses before this 'qualified' end are
NOT yet
closed explicitely, my personal opinion is: The should be closed
(probably with a warning).

2.) The USES clause in a CLASS statement should cause, that all proper
of this class are not only recognized as properties of this class on the
hand side of an Assignment (or as Arguments of a method invocation), but
ON THE LEFT HAND Side of an assignment.

As far as I can see it, the current reference implementation is incorrect
(when looking at the definition of a term)
(Sorry, Mike, to say that :-( )

For example:

       class ReyScan uses RexxMsg, RexxFile

           if (ic1 > 7) then error('this is an error')

does work perfectly well (as ic1 is a public property of RexxMsg, defining
the current parse Position)


          ic1 = 18

*does NOT have the desired effet, to set the *used* property of RexxMsg to
seven (7), it does create a *new* variable (without any warning)

I did discuss this with Mike years ago, and I do *not* like to repeat this
discussion, but

*** it is ridiculous, when a simple symbol in te same program has two
different meanings ***

I will continue to throw in (SIGNAL) proposals for NetRexx 3-5 under
this thread,
as I would like to raise *this discussion here*
(as not been advised to raise it elsewhere)

Thomas Schneider.

Thomas Schneider Projects ReyC & LOGOS on
3.) The Note (line comment) delimiter should be re-specified as beeing


This would allow for the usage of the Java postfix operatores ++
and -- (decrement), and also would allow for my proprosed *assertion Syntax*

4.) Assertions:

One of the most desirable thing for a programmer is to assert that his
will run:

I am proposing the followind Syntax

       x=13+14 --:<=27


      the '--:' operator introduces an ASSERTION.

In ordinary NetRexx (vs.2) it will be considered as a Line Comment
(or Note, as I call it)

In ReyC, my upcoming Rey Compiler, it will be considered as an assertion

5.) a new option  -assert, should be introduced:

This will allo the NetRexx/Rey Compiler to Generate Assertions (using JUnit)

I have changed my mind to this now newly proposed syntax, so that the
presence of
ASSERTIONS does NOT influence the desired source code compatibility to
current NetRexx

6.) Enumerations:

Enumerations should be implemented as quick as possible:

Proposed Syntax:

       a=Rexx {'ABC','DEF','GEF'}

The FIRST entry should denote the default value for this specific Variable.

I'm also proposing that the quotes may be omitted (only within the
Braces), e.g.



Thomas Schneider Projects ReyC & LOGOS on
  7.) As I did work for General Electric Information Services (GEISCO),
which did provide
something like the *Internet* decades decades ago (I did startthe 1964,
I think)
but lost the game as they have been too stupid to quickly react:

I'm also proposing a syntax for VALUE-Lists:

7.1) a Value List is either a simple value list (also called
Enumeration), or a Value RANGE list.
7.2) A Value List becomes a value-range-list if (and only if) any memebt
of the list is a range
7.3) Within the value list, *NO variables* are allowed
7.4) Values may be entered unquoted, unless a delimiter is used.
7.5.) When a delimiter is used, it must be quoted
7.6) I am proposing the COLON (:) as the commonly used range indicator.

thus, the following would be proprose NetRexx 3 syntax:

     i =int i {3,5,7,9,11,12:13,17}


Quotes may be omitted within the braces, when not necessary, because
delimiters are used.

The two examples above will form (simple) value lists

8.) Value-range-lists:

     a typical value Range list will be:


     We must still decide whether we should allow the HYPHEN (instead of
the COLON)
as the range separator (or both the hyphen for numerics and the colon

Comments are welcome :-)

9) Usage of value lists or value range-lists

      typical usages might be

          if a \= {YES,NO} then error('invalid answer')

Comments are welcome!


Kindly, Thomas Schneider, Vienna, Austria.

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