3.) The Note (line comment) delimiter should be re-specified as
beeing '(blank)--(blank)'
This would allow for the usage of the Java postfix operatores ++
(Increment) , and -- (decrement), and also would allow
for my proprosed *assertion Syntax*
4.) Assertions:
One of the most desirable thing for a programmer is to assert that his
program will run:
I am proposing the followind Syntax
x=13+14 --:<=27
the '--:' operator introduces an ASSERTION.
In ordinary NetRexx (vs.2) it will be considered as a Line Comment (o
Note, as I call it)
In ReyC, my upcoming Rey Compiler, it will be considered as an assertion
5.) a new option -assert, should be introduced:
This will allo the NetRexx/Rey Compiler to Generate Assertions (using JUnit)
I have changed my mind to this now newly proposed syntax, so that the
presence of
ASSERTIONS does NOT influence the desired source code compatibility to
current NetRexx
6.) Enumerations:
Enumerations should be implemented as quick as possible:
Proposed Syntax:
a=Rexx {'ABC','DEF','GEF'}
The FIRST entry should denote the default value for this specific Variable.
I'm also proposing that the quotes may be omitted (only within the
Braces), e.g.
Thomas Schneider Projects ReyC & LOGOS on www.KENAI.com
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