Hello there,
as you have seen from my previous mail (in german, sorry),
I have been asked by IBM Austria to make a NetRexx Overview presentation
(and later possibly a NetRexx course (2 days, I think), here at IBM Austria,
Vienna, for IBM customers, using Java, I think.
I do recognize that Chip Davies, the beloved REXXLA Ex-President,
did held such an Overview at the US REXXLA meeting, back in ????,
where I did present the first time Rexx2Nrx there in the US (cannot recall
the city due to proceeding Alzheimer ;-) ;) ;-))
Question to this community:
Are there actions underwas to collect thos courses/overviews
on www.netRexx.org ?
Thomas Schneider.
PS: Of course, I would then upload the GERMAN version materials to
www.netrexx.org (with premission of the board) for free...
Thomas Schneider (www.thsitc.com)
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Thomas Schneider, Vienna, Austria (Europe) :-)