Hi Rene, Mr. President :-)
I did just re-re-read Your Presentation about *NetRexx Server Pages* in
a former RexxLA meeting
where I didn't have a chance to attend due to lack of money (*and*
Energy, as well, frankly, to say ;-))
Now, as always, from my shop, a frank *question*:
# Is there an Up-To-Date DOCUMENTATION of NetRexx Server Pages
# available somewhere (except Your initial presentation) ???
What I'm currently trying to do is to prepare my own release(s) of all my
ancient works, and, of course, as a NetRexx FAN, I shall want to do so
using ...
... NetRexx Server Pages
...... when I would know in detail what they are !
Might well be that I did miss something when I've been beeing nearly
dead ;-)
Thomas Schneider
Ibm-netrexx mailing list
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Thomas Schneider, Vienna, Austria (Europe) :-)