NetRexx (and other Software) installation anomaliesibm-netrexx

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NetRexx (and other Software) installation anomaliesibm-netrexx

1.) It's WRONG, within a distribution to have 2 names for the same Purpose
     (like nrc.* calling NetREXXC.*)
2.) All the details, of the current distribution, should be CONTROLLED by
so called GLOBAL Parameters.

For this, for instance, I'm using (since years)  an <application>.globals

I am, also using a convention, that 'the current path' (.) must be
ALWAYS included
in the PATH variable. That does imply, that the CURRENT PATH always
does OVERWRITE enything else.

Hence, when not copied NOR existant, the current installation uses the
DEFAULT settings (in the classpath), but they may be OVERWRITTEN
in the LOCAL NetRexxC.globals file when wanted.

What do you thing about this approach?

IMHO, far better than copying files around.

The problem with copiyng files around is, as always:

When you install the next version of your Software in question,
The old (manual done) copy is LOST!


Tom. (