NetRexx at Once has a new home.

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NetRexx at Once has a new home.

Kermit Kiser
As you may know, Yahoo is closing GeoCities in a week. I have obtained
permission from Leonardo Boselli to re host the "NetRexx at Once" guide
before it vanishes. The guide is a compact cross reference for Java and
NetRexx syntax.

Although designed to help Java programmers understand NetRexx syntax, it
is very valuable to those like me who do not know Java but often need to
work with Java materials in NetRexx. For example, if you see
"instanceof" in some Java code, this guide will tell you how to
translate that item into NetRexx code.

The new home for the guide is here:

Please update any links to this document that you are aware of. The old
URL was:

Leonardo has also given me permission to update the guide for NetRexx V2
and I will be looking into that as time permits.

-- Kermit Kiser
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NetRexx at Once has a new home.

Davis, James (NIH/CIT) [E]
Thank you, Kermit.

James Davis
National Institutes of Health
[hidden email]<mailto:[hidden email]>

From: Kermit Kiser [mailto:[hidden email]]
Sent: Monday, October 19, 2009 9:46 PM
To: IBM Netrexx
Subject: [Ibm-netrexx] NetRexx at Once has a new home.

As you may know, Yahoo is closing GeoCities in a week. I have obtained permission from Leonardo Boselli to re host the "NetRexx at Once" guide before it vanishes. The guide is a compact cross reference for Java and NetRexx syntax.

Although designed to help Java programmers understand NetRexx syntax, it is very valuable to those like me who do not know Java but often need to work with Java materials in NetRexx. For example, if you see "instanceof" in some Java code, this guide will tell you how to translate that item into NetRexx code.

The new home for the guide is here:

Please update any links to this document that you are aware of. The old URL was:

Leonardo has also given me permission to update the guide for NetRexx V2 and I will be looking into that as time permits.

-- Kermit Kiser
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