"He Ain't Hovey, He's My Brother" Edition
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md5sum 375fb41ad6f9ba1f7ad100a613b36f57 Earth3RDayC.jar
Earth3RDayC.jar is NetRexxC.jar build from 304 of its own -model files from latest svn checkout rev 604
Because Earth3RDayC.jar works at the clause level,
there is one known glitch and a few indentation errors from last minute changes:
I had to manually add a space between -- in DiagExpression.nrx line 60 and DiagExpressionUnit.nrx line 61
Normal NetRexxC works these joins out in a later stage.
From -help
Any NetRexx options may also be added; these are:
-model[n] -- model input file [0-3] none, compact, standard, tree
Try: [File must already Compile]
java -jar Earth3RDayC.jar -model1 SomeBigLargeClutteredFile.nrx
You get clean, formated, indented and I can read it mod file.
java -jar Earth3RDayC.jar -model2 KeepMyCommentsFile.nrx
You get a [Work in Progress] but good mod file.
java -jar Earth3RDayC.jar -model3 MatchMyControlBlocksFile.nrx
If your program has Control Blocks, You get a Real Brace matching forward and backwards mod file.
Missing package, class and method for now.
This is not used internally for indentation at the moment. Turns out NetRexx does a fine job on its own.
Yep! Bracket Matching, Code Folding and etc...
Hey! Programmer clean up that Do..Do..