NetRexx to go

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NetRexx to go

Robert L Hamilton
>From a prior post:

"But right now, what we really need are bullet- and idiot-proof installation routines for NetRexx and its various editor/IDE/plugins on a slew of different platforms.

We need a true "NetRexx Users Guide" as a companion volume to Mike's TNL reference.  It will answer all the "why" and "when" questions that  every beginner has.

We need MANY more examples.

In twenty years of teaching programming languages, I've found that you hook students with examples of useful code, which you then use to explicate the underlying syntax, grammar, and features.  And yes, my first NetRexx course used a side-by-side comparison of a (pre-SWING) Java GUI app and its NetRexx equivalent.  I had to back up quite a ways to cover everything that was involved to make that code work, but by then they were motivated to learn how.  Most folks feel that if they had a couple of clear examples of code doing something akin to what they need, they could figure out how to make it do what they want.  It's not the most efficient way of learning (many of my students are self-taught, then come to me to learn what they missed) but few are truly capable of learning it from a book.

So who wants to start collecting code for the "NetRexx By Example" repository?

I have nothing but time on my hands and could certainly contribute some idiot-proofing.  There are also three local colleges who are Rexx-un-aware but allowed me to demonstrate ooRexx RexxTry ( of which they were UN-aware). Plus Collin College offered Rexx courses but got no takers. I also have access to a server running cgi-ooRexx 4.0 and those people might be interested in NetRexx/Java and I could probably get mainframe or iSeries access. I have a Dell laptop and a stagnant desk-top both w/ windoze XP .  And, I have an 800 # that could be assigned to ring somewhere besides one of the spare bed-rooms in my house if that would help.

Do any of you have an 'in' at Marist College?  At one time they were very Rexx-Aware and generally very up-to-date in computers but I have no contacts there at this time. ( many years ago at Stormville, NY  I was involved in teaching some of the Friars to fly, they were very interesting people.)

 Thanx for the time; Enjoy the Day -- or evening . . .

Bob Hamilton, Engineer
Cell phone: ate-hundred-424-9089
Mail Address BOX 835065. Richardson, Texas 75083-5065 (RexxLA should use this BOX #)
Home Address 736 Pinehurst, Richardson, Texas 75080-4112

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