I am using eComStation OS (OS/2) and Netrexx with Java 1.4, using the below code the compiler returns that I must use:
mainwindow.ContentPane().setLayout() instead of mainwindow.setLayout()
Ths same code works fine under Windows using Java 1.6, is this a Java version thing or Netrexx?
import javax.swing.
class mylabel2
method main( args=String[] ) static
mainwindow = JFrame( "JLabel Example using HTML" )
mainwindow.setLayout( GridLayout( 1,1 ))
-- text using HTML center alligned
htmllabel = JLabel( "<html>line 1<p><font color=blue size=+2>big blue</font> line 2<p>line 3</html>", JLabel.CENTER )
mainwindow.add( htmllabel )
-- set default operation for the Frame
mainwindow.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE )
-- set frame size and make visible
mainwindow.setSize( 600,100 )
mainwindow.setVisible( 1 )
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