Netrexx as Glue Code?

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Netrexx as Glue Code?

Bill Ferguson-2
I used rexx quite a bit under VM/CMS over the last 10 years.  I am also a
big fan of PIPES for rexx. I was wondering how effective is netrexx as
"integration glue code" in a mixed Unix and NT environment?  Has the
Java-ification of rexx caused it to lose anything in that regard?  I know
it worked great in the CMS environment, does it work well as glue code in
other platforms?

I recently transferred laterally in my company from development to an
electronic commerce group.  We have a rather state of art Java/WEB EDI
software and catalog system that interfaces to our in-house developed EDI
engines. Our product is unique we are just flooded with business.

Yours truely is trying to bring the level of integration to a higher level,
and management seems quite open to netrexx since its platform portable.

Netrexx appeals to me, I know Rexx syntax from CMS, and its ease of
interfacing with Java has great potential for our Java web product and our
Java class libs.   Is it ready for prime time?
Cordially yours,
Bill Ferguson
[hidden email]
ICQ# 11271421

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Re: Netrexx as Glue Code?

Ed Tomlinson

On Tue, 30 Jun 1998 22:31:58 -0700, Bill Ferguson wrote:

>Netrexx appeals to me, I know Rexx syntax from CMS, and its ease of
>interfacing with Java has great potential for our Java web product and our
>Java class libs.   Is it ready for prime time?
>Cordially yours,

NetRexx is very ready for prime time.  Its quite solid and IF you
do manage to find a bug, which is now very rare, Mike usually has
it fixed in a day or two.  Also, if you think up a feature and
can convince Mike its a good idea it gets added to NetRexx
fairly quickly.  ie. You get very good support.

I have also ported Pipes to netrexx (and java).  The port is in
what I would call late beta.  It works quite well but there are
still bugs to be found in the ever growing set of stages.

One thing to realize is that NetRexx is a compiled language.  As
such it is not as suitable as Rexx for use as dynamic exits and
such (it can be done easily enough, but you have to wait for the
netrexx and java compilers to run).  

Another point.  Mike has done a *great* job with trace.  I no longer
install any java debuggers.  NetRexx's trace does the job here.

Ed Tomlinson ([hidden email])
Montreal, Canada

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