After all, I want to give MFC a
Thank You* for the Quality of the IBM
NetRexx Compiler.
As already said Years ago, MFC's NetRexx Compiler is the best
Compiler I've ever tried. And I did have
to try a lot, as ALGOL, RPG, BASIC, PL/I, FORTRAN II, FORTRAN 77,
PL/I again, COBOL, C, PL/I again, etc.
It does make intelligent decisions
what to parse when, which errors to report when,
and, ...
... quite intelligent, also, *when to stop
I did recently modify a lot of programs of my own, and I really have
to say:
I do *love NetRexx*, and this state
of the art Compiler.
Thanks to the author (MFC) and all maintainers. Great Work !!!
Thomas Schneider.
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Thomas Schneider, Vienna, Austria (Europe) :-)