Re: ADDRESS instruction implementation pushed to master

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Re: ADDRESS instruction implementation pushed to master

Hello Ian,

I wonder if you can help me.  

Some time ago I tried to delete my account ([hidden email]) because I had added another account using a different address.  I have been getting duplicates on the above account.  

Can you tell me what I should do to delete this address?


Bill Fenlason


From: "Ian Stirling Retired"
To: [hidden email]
Sent: Monday January 18 2021 2:43:26PM
Subject: Re: [Ibm-netrexx] ADDRESS instruction implementation pushed to master

Using my pre-retirement alter ego I have moved your original post into its
own category


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Re: ADDRESS instruction implementation pushed to master

Ian Stirling Retired
This post was updated on .
Hi Bill

There are a few options.  I have had to doctor the instructions because nabble was hiding them !!!

If you still have access to the original email address and I'm guessing you
do as you are getting duplicate emails then send an email to
ibm-netrexx-leave - @ -           You should get a reponse email
giving you the next steps to follow

If you don't have access to the old email address, but you do know the
password assigned to it you can do the following

email to ibm-netrexx-request - @ - with single line with the

unsubscribe <PASSWORD> address=<ADDRESS>

(no brackets around the password or email address, and no quotes!)

Finally, let me know the email address you want unsubscribing and I will
contact my old colleague who now runs the server and get him to remove it
manually.    You can use the email features of Nabble to send it to me


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Re: ADDRESS instruction implementation pushed to master

William Fenlason

Thank you!

Worked like a charm.


On Mon, Jan 18, 2021 at 3:58 PM Ian Stirling Retired <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Bill

There are a few options.

If you still have access to the original email address and I'm guessing you
do as you are getting duplicate emails then send an email to
[hidden email]           You should get a reponse email
giving you the next steps to follow

If you don't have access to the old email address, but you do know the
password assigned to it you can do the following

email to [hidden email] with single line with the

unsubscribe <PASSWORD> address=<ADDRESS>

(no brackets around the password or email address, and no quotes!)

Finally, let me know the email address you want unsubscribing and I will
contact my old colleague who now runs the server and get him to remove it
manually.    You can use the email features of Nabble to send it to me


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