Re: Eclipse NetRexx plugin won't allow Project classpathchanges to stick

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Re: Eclipse NetRexx plugin won't allow Project classpathchanges to stick


The Eclipse NetRexx plugin dynamically builds the classpath before running
the program, and that tends to modify the configurations.

Are you using the: "Eclipse Main Menu -> Window -> Preferences -> NetRexx
Editor -> Classpath" preference page?  

It allows the location of the NetRexx translator to be specified, along
with the location of the Java Compiler and additional files and directories
to be added to the classpath.

I'm not sure I understand the problem, so feel free to contact me (on or
off list) if you would like to discuss it further.

Bill Fenlason

Original email:
From: Gil Blais [hidden email]
Date: Sun, 8 Jun 2014 10:12:02 -0700 (PDT)
To: [hidden email]
Subject: [Ibm-netrexx] Eclipse NetRexx plugin won't allow Project
classpathchanges to stick

Hi, Gil here. I am running Eclipse Kepler w/NetRexx Plugin, Java 8 on a 64
bit Windoze 7 box.
I have rearranged my directory structure since creating a project and I
cannot get changes to the Project Classpath in the Run/Debug configuration
to stick.

The only way that I can get it to even temporarily stick is to make the
changes and click Run instead of Close. As soon as I hit either Run (works
fine BTW) or close and go back to review the changed setup, it is as if I
pressed the Revert button.

I can work around this, but thought that someone would like to know. I put
it here since I don't know exactly where it should have gone.

Here are the screen scrapes:

Regards, Gil Blais

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