Hi there, MR President, RexxLA:
as already indicated, I do need *urgently* Your advise WHERETO
Rexx2Nrx vs. 6 and 7 have to be released:
Rexx2Nrx vs. 6 is still written in PURE, IBM Rexx Compiler
compatible *Classic Rexx*.
It does and did use a LOT of so called INCLUDED Files, for some, not
yet recently decyphered reason,
those have to be notated as *COMMENTS* in the IBM Rexx Compiler,
/*INCLUDE StrFuncs.rex */ /* inlcude the STRING Functions */
This (annoying) *FEATURE* did prohibit IBM Compiled Rexx Programs to
be *runnable* in the interpreter Vesions
for more than a DECENNIUM now ... :-(
Also, as shown of many of my *fights* here, and, at RexxLA, as well,
to have a *LANGUAGE*,
and *not A FAMILY of LANGUGAGES*, show ...
The Rexx Family of Languages is DIS-GROWING, day by Day, month by
month, Year by Year.
In 1000 Years, WeAll shall speak most probably of the:
Babylon of Rexx Languages
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