(Sorry if you received this item more than once)
Why you might like to read December's RexxLA newsletter (it should
be out around the start of December):
- Some news on the 1999 Rexx Symposium.
- Who are the RexxLA Board Members (and other RexxLA volunteers)?
- Read John Urbaniak's presentation at the 1998 Rexx Symposium on
"Developing major, real-world, speech-aware applications using Object
REXX". You've heard of Aviar's "OOPS!" of course.
- Dr. Rx answers Rexx questions from readers, amongst others one about
"quoted-printable" decoding.
- More on the "History of the Charlotte Web browser".
- Mr. Metz discusses DO's and DONT's on porting Rexx in "Safe REXX".
To read it, visit the RexxLA web-site at:
http://www.rexxla.orgclick on "December issue" in the text, or go to the "Newsletter" link
and click on "December".
$$/ F. Scott Ophof Editor of the RexxLA newsletter
[hidden email] Read it at:
http://www.RexxLA.orgRexxLA: The REXX Language Association (for everyone interested in REXX)
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