Hi Rene, and all,
as You all do know, I did implement nearly all classic Rexx functions in my Rexx2Nrx package. Rexx2Nrx has been my attempt to convert Classic COMPILED Rexx to Netrexx, sometimes early in 2002. Rene, You did mention the *compatibility* package in Your show MFC did yust distribute! I am including heare now Yust RexxTime ;-) Thomas. ======================================================================================== /*************************************************************************/ /* IBM Materials Licensed under International Components for Unicode */ /* Licence version 1.8.1 (ICU Licence) - Property of IBM */ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* The former Rexx2Nrx Run-Time Package (NetRexx Version) */ /* of Thomas Schneider, ThSITC, 2011. See www.thsitc.com/Product Rexx2Nrx*/ /* for Details. Note that the method names have been adjusted for Java */ /* naming conventions since the first Rexx2Nrx release, back in 2001! */ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Copyright (c) 2000-2010 [hidden email] */ /* Copyright (c) 2011-oo RexxLA */ /*************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************/ /* RexxTime contains an emulation of the classic REXX Date & Time functions*/ /* (c) Th. Schneider, Mai 2000 */ /***************************************************************************/ /* 26.06.2002: own function(method) 'edate' added for convenience */ /* 04.09.2007: time('N') returns hh':'mm':'ss added */ /***************************************************************************/ options binary package org.netrexx.thsitc.runtime.compatibility import java.util.Date import java.lang.System /* needed for CurrentTimeMillis() */ class RexxTime public properties static /* stub for REXX Date & Time routines */ months=Rexx 'Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Okt Nov Dec' month_name=Rexx 'January February March April Mai June July August'- 'September October November December' wday_name=Rexx 'Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday' time1 = long 0 /* start time in millisec past1 1.1.1970 */ millisecs=long 0 /* elapsed time in milliseconds */ time0 = long 0 /* current time in millisec past 1.1.1970 */ time2 = long 0 first_timer= boolean 1 elapsed_seconds = Double /* double precision elapsed seconds */ elapsed = Rexx '' /* same as Rexx object */ e_elapsed=Rexx '' /* elapsed time as a string */ trace_timer=boolean 0 /* 1=trace timer */ iwday = int 0 idd = int 0 imm = int 0 iyy = int 0 method RexxTime() method timer private static returns long time0=java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis() if trace_timer then say 'timer: 'time0 '(seconds past 1.1.1970)' if first_timer then do time1=time0 first_timer=0 end millisecs= time0- time1 if trace_timer then say 'millisecsonds: ' millisecs return millisecs method date(opt=Rexx ' ') public static returns Rexx opt1=opt.substr(1,1) cal=GregorianCalendar() /* use JAVA Date methods */ idd=cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) -- day in month imm=cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1 -- month (1 bis 12) dd=Rexx(idd);dd=dd.right(2,'0'); -- leading 0 when needed mm=Rexx(imm);mm=mm.right(2,'0'); -- leading 0 when needed yyyy=cal.get(Calendar.YEAR) -- year 4 digits iyy = yyyy // 100 -- two digit year yy=Rexx(iyy); yy=yy.right(2,'0') -- two digit year with leading zero iddd = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR) -- day of year ddd=Rexx(iddd); ddd=ddd.right(3,0) iwday = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) - 1 -- day of week, 1= Monday if iwday=0 then iwday = 7 -- SUNDAY is 7 select case opt1 when ' ' then do mon3=month_name.word(imm).substr(1,3) return dd mon3 yyyy end when 'B' then do -- Base, returns the number of complete days since 1.1.0001 say 'date(B) not yet implemented' return 0 /* not yet implemented*/ end when 'C' then do -- days in Century say 'date(C) not yet implemented' return 0 end when 'J' then do -- Julian date in format yyddd return yy||ddd end when 'D' then do -- returns days, including the current day -- in the format 'ddd' (no leading zeros or blanks return iddd end when 'E' then do -- European, returns dd/mm/yy return dd'/'mm'/'yy end when 'M' then do -- return full English name of current month return month_name.word(imm) end when 'N' then do -- returns date in default format, see pg. 92 mmm=months.word(imm) --- three letter month abbreviation return dd mmm yyyy end when 'O' then do -- Ordered, format yy/mm/dd return yy'/'mm'/'dd end when 'S' then do -- Standard (yyyymmdd) return yyyy||mm||dd end when 'U' then do -- USA (mm/dd/yy) return mm'/'dd'/'yy end when 'W' then do -- Weekday (English name for day of the week) return wday_name.word(iwday) end otherwise return yyyy'-'mm'-'dd end /* select */ method time(opt=Rexx ' ') public static returns Rexx cur_dts=java.util.Date() ihh=cur_dts.getHours() -- hours hh=Rexx ihh; hh=hh.right(2,'0') inn=cur_dts.getMinutes() -- minutes, as mm is month nn=Rexx inn; nn=nn.right(2,'0') iss=cur_dts.getSeconds() -- seconds ss=Rexx iss; ss=ss.right(2,'0') opt1=opt.substr(1,1) select case opt1 when 'C' then do if ihh>12 then do; ihh=ihh-12; xx='pm'; end else xx='am' hh=Rexx ihh; hh=hh.right(2,'0') return hh':'nn||xx end when 'E' then do /* returns elapsed time in seconds */ time2 = timer() elapsed = time2 /* time as seconds and fraction*/ elapsed = time2 / 1000 e_elapsed=elapsed.format(6,6) /* edited form needed*/ /* always 6 digit fraction!*/ if trace_timer then say 'elapsed time:' e_elapsed 'seconds' return e_elapsed end when 'H' then return hh /* returns hour */ when 'L' then do uuuuuu='00000' /* cannot get Nanoseconds currently */ return hh':'nn':'ss'.'uuuuuu end when 'M' then do nnnn=ihh*60+inn /* minutes past midnight */ return nnnn end when 'N' then return hh':'nn':'ss /* own addition */ when 'R' then do /* reset timer */ first_timer=boolean 1 time2=timer() elapsed= time2 elapsed=elapsed/1000 e_elapsed=elapsed.format(6,6) /* always 6 digit fraction!*/ if trace_timer then say 'elapsed time=' e_elapsed 'seconds' return e_elapsed end when 'S' then do /* seconds past midnight */ ssss=(hh*60+nn)*60+ss return ssss end otherwise return hh':'nn':'ss end /* select */ method edate(idate = Rexx '') static public returns Rexx; /* ... Declare local REXX variables: */ x_date = Rexx '' /* select */ dd = Rexx '' mm = Rexx '' yy = Rexx '' cc = Rexx '20' yyyy = Rexx '' /* ... End of local REXX variable declarations */ /* ... Rexx Procedure (nothing exposed) */ select; when (idate = '') | (idate = 0) then do; x_date = RexxTime.date('E'); parse x_date dd '/' mm '/' yy cc = '20'; yyyy = cc || yy; end /*when*/ when idate.length() = 6 then do; yy = idate.substr(1,2); mm = idate.substr(3,2); dd = idate.substr(5,2); if yy < 50 then do; cc = '20'; end else do; cc = '19'; end; /*if*/ yyyy = cc || yy; end /*when*/ when idate.length() = 8 then do; yyyy = idate.substr(1,4); yy = yyyy.substr(3,2); mm = idate.substr(5,2); dd = idate.substr(7,2); end /*when*/ otherwise do; do; RexxMsg.error('invalid date: '||idate 'encountered.') RexxMsg.abort('please correct source program!') end; end; /* otherwise */ /* select */ end; /* select */ x_date = dd||'.'||mm||'.'||yyyy; return x_date; /*********************************************************************/ /* 02.07.2002: own function dts() added */ /*********************************************************************/ method dts() public static returns Rexx odate = RexxTime.date('O'); parse odate yy '/' mm '/' dd yyyy = '20'||yy; xdate = yyyy||'-'||mm||'-'||dd; /* date in ISO format */ return xdate RexxTime.time(); method StandardDate(xdate=Rexx,image=Rexx) public static returns int -- YYYYMMDD returned if image.pos('.') > 0 then do parse xdate DD'.'MM'.'YYYY ydate=YYYYMMDD(YYYY,MM,DD) return ydate end if image.pos('-') > 0 then do parse xdate YYYY'-'MM'-'DD ydate=YYYYMMDD(YYYY,MM,DD) return ydate end if image.pos('/') > 0 then do parse xdate MM'/'DD'/'YYYY ydate=YYYYMMDD(YYYY,MM,DD) return ydate end return int xdate -- YYYYMMDD assumed method YYYYMMDD(YYYY,MM,DD) public static returns int if YYYY < 100 then YYYY='20'YYYY if MM>12 | MM < 1 then do RexxMsg.error('Illegal month:' MM) MM='99' -- signals error end if MM<10 then MM='0'MM -- only 1 digit given if DD>31 | DD < 1 then do RexxMsg.error('Illegal day:' DD) DD='99' -- signals error end if DD < 10 then DD='0'DD -- only 1 digit given ydate=int YYYY||MM||DD return ydate --- This email has been checked for viruses by AVG. https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.avg.com&d=DwICaQ&c=jf_iaSHvJObTbx-siA1ZOg&r=_6rXNpPJ1fYV-3bV1za02NiR4PUelvicfHXwtnTXpXE&m=NUxqurSy4r-Gp2WdmmWH9mOaH4skplgxVUZElKEuNTM&s=0O4DwL0E29qAY8wfHbWvgGMbW5YTnyOgGYiHcyJlcMg&e= _______________________________________________ Ibm-netrexx mailing list [hidden email] Online Archive : http://ibm-netrexx.215625.n3.nabble.com/
Thomas Schneider, Vienna, Austria (Europe) :-)
www.thsitc.com www.db-123.com |
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