It's quite interesting to see, that the NetRexx 3.08 GA compiler does
still use the term 'function' for static methods in his own program
progress reports.
I did have quite exhaustive (when not too exhaustive, from my side)
discussions with MFC (Mike F. Cowlishaw) a decennium ago, or so, why
NetRexx does report a static method as a function in his NetRexx
Compiler, but does not allow to declare a static method as a function
... (meaning allowing function as an additional keyword).
Same with 'routine', by the way ...
A *routine* is a *function* returning NO VALUE at all, I would say.
This has been an endless and totally needless discussion, as I do see it
nowadays ...
Now my Question to the NetRexx Board:
Where is the term 'function', used in the NetRexx Compiler Logs a lot,
defined in the NLR (The NetRexx Language Reference) at all ?
Thomas Schneider, Vienna, Austria
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