VM redbook to be removed from netrexx.org

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VM redbook to be removed from netrexx.org

Dear NetRexx users,

the IBM RedBook VM/ESA Network Computing with Java and NetRexx will be removed from the NetRexx site next week, as it is of only historical interest. If you want to download a copy, please do so within a week.

I was lucky enough to get an assignment on z/VM recently, but when I wanted to implement a Git version management system and deploy my NetRexx tools, I found out that IBM had decommissioned Java and NetRexx a couple of years ago. So the knowledge in this redbook has become irrelevant.

The removal of Java and NetRexx from VM is something I had missed, and I am disappointed by this action. The VM operating system, that in CMS still has some commands that are straight out of CTSS (assemble - load - start - genmod) did not preserve this functionality, not even in older releases (which would have been good enough for my purposes).

As the intention is to keep NetRexx a living language and not a museum, I will remove references to VM from the site and documentation.

best regards,


Ibm-netrexx mailing list
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Online Archive : http://ibm-netrexx.215625.n3.nabble.com/

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Re: VM redbook to be removed from netrexx.org

        IBM has become so weird in recent times... :-(


On 2018-10-01 04:41:46 René Jansen wrote:

> Dear NetRexx users,
> the IBM RedBook VM/ESA Network Computing with Java and NetRexx
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.netrexx.org_files_
>q9WM-BvXAKhqC0ffS81g2tNd3P6_kMQ3nOFdY&e=> will be removed from the NetRexx
> site next week, as it is of only historical interest. If you want to
> download a copy, please do so within a week.
> I was lucky enough to get an assignment on z/VM recently, but when I wanted
> to implement a Git version management system and deploy my NetRexx tools, I
> found out that IBM had decommissioned Java and NetRexx a couple of years
> ago. So the knowledge in this redbook has become irrelevant.
> The removal of Java and NetRexx from VM is something I had missed, and I am
> disappointed by this action. The VM operating system, that in CMS still has
> some commands that are straight out of CTSS (assemble - load - start -
> genmod) did not preserve this functionality, not even in older releases
> (which would have been good enough for my purposes).
> As the intention is to keep NetRexx a living language and not a museum, I
> will remove references to VM from the site and documentation.
> best regards,
> René.

Ibm-netrexx mailing list
[hidden email]
Online Archive : http://ibm-netrexx.215625.n3.nabble.com/

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Re: VM redbook to be removed from netrexx.org


It has been really WEIRD that IBM did not *recognize* which POWER
NetRexx (ak. www.netrexx.org) did and does have ...

See You *the coming Year* (2019) at the RexxLA Symposium (*whereever it
shall BE*) :-)

Kindly, Thomas Schneider, Vienna, Austria.


Am 01.10.2018 um 20:33 schrieb J Leslie Turriff:

> IBM has become so weird in recent times... :-(
> Leslie
> On 2018-10-01 04:41:46 René Jansen wrote:
>> Dear NetRexx users,
>> the IBM RedBook VM/ESA Network Computing with Java and NetRexx
>> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.netrexx.org_files_
>> docs_sg245148.pdf&d=DwIFaQ&c=jf_iaSHvJObTbx-siA1ZOg&r=_6rXNpPJ1fYV-3bV1za02N
>> iR4PUelvicfHXwtnTXpXE&m=qDX-1oBeXGDXhl3J67IW3qa-ytJekq_-0ZZy4Ahfnfg&s=7prcU0
>> q9WM-BvXAKhqC0ffS81g2tNd3P6_kMQ3nOFdY&e=> will be removed from the NetRexx
>> site next week, as it is of only historical interest. If you want to
>> download a copy, please do so within a week.
>> I was lucky enough to get an assignment on z/VM recently, but when I wanted
>> to implement a Git version management system and deploy my NetRexx tools, I
>> found out that IBM had decommissioned Java and NetRexx a couple of years
>> ago. So the knowledge in this redbook has become irrelevant.
>> The removal of Java and NetRexx from VM is something I had missed, and I am
>> disappointed by this action. The VM operating system, that in CMS still has
>> some commands that are straight out of CTSS (assemble - load - start -
>> genmod) did not preserve this functionality, not even in older releases
>> (which would have been good enough for my purposes).
>> As the intention is to keep NetRexx a living language and not a museum, I
>> will remove references to VM from the site and documentation.
>> best regards,
>> René.
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Ibm-netrexx mailing list
[hidden email]
Online Archive : http://ibm-netrexx.215625.n3.nabble.com/

Thomas Schneider, Vienna, Austria (Europe) :-)
