Vectors, Lists, etc in NetRexx

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Vectors, Lists, etc in NetRexx

Hello there,
    I'm currently working on my own implementation of NetRexx (as it is)
and would like to
enhance the meaning of the BRACKET-Notation for any type of Java

If the originacl code (my own one) does contain, for instance:

item_name = Rexx '' /*Stem*/
i=14 -- for instance

item_name[i]='this is a name at entry 'i'

I would like to use the New Syntax:

item_name=String Vector(500) init ''

... and then, I won't like to change anything in the sources anymore.

Please do note the following proposed details::

The Type (class) Vector may be

-- prefixed by the actual Type of the Component.
-- If Any Type may be used, as in the Java <T> notation, then the
Keyword 'Any' shall be used.

Thus, the Collection Class may (and should) be prefixed by the COMPNENT
When not used, the class OBJECT is used, by default, for the components.

My own NetRexx implementation uses the Acronym 'Rey' (Rexx for Java),
which has been
(too many times, I'm sorry :-()  in some of my mails years ago.

You can actually think of Rey as a NetRexx prepocessor, testing some
proposed new
Language features.

It actually generates a NetRexx program, in turn (later it will directly
generate Java ByteCode).

An alpha release of all of my stuff will happen on the 1. March 2012.

You will get a separate mail annoucing the release, the access to the
sources, etc, for your info.

Any and all changes I have/will propose will be upwards compatible to
current NetRexx.

The idea is, for instance, that I can start development and tests with
fixed sized
NetRexx Arrays, but later change to Vector's, List's, or whatever
*without the need*
to change anything in the source (except the declaraion, of course)

What do you think?
Thomas Schneider
Thomas Schneider (Founder of Member of the Rexx Languge
Asscociation ( Member of the NetRexx Developer's Team

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