Where did JDIC go? (+ native file choosers from Java)

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Where did JDIC go? (+ native file choosers from Java)

Fernando Cassia-2
About 15 years ago or thereabouts, Sun contributed JDIC (Java Desktop
Integration Components) under a GPL license, this was at the time of
the Java 5 / 1.5 launch and before the JRE/JDK was open sourced
(OpenJDK 6).

The projects used to be hosted at java.net Trying to access
jdic.java.net  nowadays shows:

We're sorry the java.net site has closed.

Most Open Source projects previously hosted on java.net have been
relocated. Please contact the corresponding project administrator for
relocation information.

For Java related projects: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.oracle.com_technetwork_java_index.html&d=DwIBaQ&c=jf_iaSHvJObTbx-siA1ZOg&r=_6rXNpPJ1fYV-3bV1za02NiR4PUelvicfHXwtnTXpXE&m=HbFtE9GTnWY0DV6MQy9ucZiNG0stIz7ThcpPuLi6wGQ&s=71kCmcFsXiTEgfc0v7mafR54WKc4pVJySP9NokgWC2c&e= 

For Java EE-related projects: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__javaee.github.io&d=DwIBaQ&c=jf_iaSHvJObTbx-siA1ZOg&r=_6rXNpPJ1fYV-3bV1za02NiR4PUelvicfHXwtnTXpXE&m=HbFtE9GTnWY0DV6MQy9ucZiNG0stIz7ThcpPuLi6wGQ&s=IwKqMdsJNGVsxx9LgtCUEiv47v6FWzv55onFb_FlaD8&e= 

For other migrated Java.net projects:

Can anyone confirm if such projects are indeed obsolete? It was a very
nice set of libs allowing for instance for Java apps to display icons
in the Window systray and Linux notification panels... (Gnome and the

I wonder what replacement are there (if any) nowadays...

I looked at JFileChooser replacements and found
...which hasn't been updated in 6 years...

which has two releases, the last three years ago.

Perhaps the use of native file dialogs if possible has been adressed
in recent JREs above OpenJDK 8? I haven't been keeping track of all
the JSRs...

TIA for any pointers...
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[hidden email]
Online Archive : http://ibm-netrexx.215625.n3.nabble.com/

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Re: Where did JDIC go? (+ native file choosers from Java)

Fernando Cassia-2
It's a bit unpolite but I'll answer myself. It looks like around 10
years ago, JDIC went straight to the grave.

(9 years ago) / Boy how time flies, huh?

"This is a simple-low level menubar integration for Java using a
compiled native library. Java6 already has cross-platform tray
support, however the MacOS implementation doesn't allow the usage of
template images, which makes the menu bar icon stand out badly"

"In order to overcome that limitation jdic-macos-tray uses a compiled
native library to directly access the Cocoa API. It's based on the
original jdic project, which now seems to be dead"

" Much of the remaining functionality within JDIC has been absorbed
into Java6 through java.awt.Desktop "

Sorry for the noise, then...

On 28/02/2021, Fernando Cassia <[hidden email]> wrote:

> About 15 years ago or thereabouts, Sun contributed JDIC (Java Desktop
> Integration Components) under a GPL license, this was at the time of
> the Java 5 / 1.5 launch and before the JRE/JDK was open sourced
> (OpenJDK 6).
> The projects used to be hosted at java.net Trying to access
> jdic.java.net  nowadays shows:
> ////
> We're sorry the java.net site has closed.
> Most Open Source projects previously hosted on java.net have been
> relocated. Please contact the corresponding project administrator for
> relocation information.
> For Java related projects:
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.oracle.com_technetwork_java_index.html&d=DwIFaQ&c=jf_iaSHvJObTbx-siA1ZOg&r=_6rXNpPJ1fYV-3bV1za02NiR4PUelvicfHXwtnTXpXE&m=zTcYsxEVovUqYibecGweqgK7A-Ybze-si0MFgPcXrhM&s=mctPgmBuH0AQxpAXazOBKzlRlocZMwJcL27Woc4CaSc&e= 
> For Java EE-related projects: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__javaee.github.io&d=DwIFaQ&c=jf_iaSHvJObTbx-siA1ZOg&r=_6rXNpPJ1fYV-3bV1za02NiR4PUelvicfHXwtnTXpXE&m=zTcYsxEVovUqYibecGweqgK7A-Ybze-si0MFgPcXrhM&s=jZeqfTdwvarPnD6_vZ2cjvwCqvcwn2b2J_irDeOkWxA&e= 
> For other migrated Java.net projects:
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__javaee.github.io_other-2Dmigrated-2Dprojects.html&d=DwIFaQ&c=jf_iaSHvJObTbx-siA1ZOg&r=_6rXNpPJ1fYV-3bV1za02NiR4PUelvicfHXwtnTXpXE&m=zTcYsxEVovUqYibecGweqgK7A-Ybze-si0MFgPcXrhM&s=IHGOnHt6QUQY324Gokla6Qn3NbVBXhPDl4hkNlDw9Fc&e= 
> ////
> Can anyone confirm if such projects are indeed obsolete? It was a very
> nice set of libs allowing for instance for Java apps to display icons
> in the Window systray and Linux notification panels... (Gnome and the
> like).
> I wonder what replacement are there (if any) nowadays...
> I looked at JFileChooser replacements and found
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__github.com_Georgeto_XFileDialog&d=DwIFaQ&c=jf_iaSHvJObTbx-siA1ZOg&r=_6rXNpPJ1fYV-3bV1za02NiR4PUelvicfHXwtnTXpXE&m=zTcYsxEVovUqYibecGweqgK7A-Ybze-si0MFgPcXrhM&s=ZIW8VemRyE5mk6lZcSllrqY_rXTCoGjpqUHBbXRDpdA&e= 
> ...which hasn't been updated in 6 years...
> and
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__github.com_veluria_NativeJFileChooser&d=DwIFaQ&c=jf_iaSHvJObTbx-siA1ZOg&r=_6rXNpPJ1fYV-3bV1za02NiR4PUelvicfHXwtnTXpXE&m=zTcYsxEVovUqYibecGweqgK7A-Ybze-si0MFgPcXrhM&s=mv6UZK-cCBCCQYdCOkn5_esnLWKJrJ7I8mwTdF-ipXs&e= 
> which has two releases, the last three years ago.
> Perhaps the use of native file dialogs if possible has been adressed
> in recent JREs above OpenJDK 8? I haven't been keeping track of all
> the JSRs...
> TIA for any pointers...
> FC

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