I do have, on my desktop (windows XP) nowadays find the following
SHELL-SCRIPTS (which I, for sure, never wrote NOR downloaded)
*Who the hell is attacking my computer* ???
Very un-friendly.
Thomas Scchneider.
# BASH script to translate and compile a NetRexx program, and
# optionally run the resulting class file
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# use as: NetRexxC hello
# which will use the NetRexx translator to translate the
# source file hello.nrx to hello.java
# then will use javac to compile hello.java
# OPTIONS keywords may be added (with a -) before or after
# the file specification, along with the extra flags known
# to NetRexxC (such as -keep). For example:
# NetRexxC -keep -format -comments hello
# Invoke with no parameters for a full list of flags.
# To run the class after compilation, specify -run as the
# first word of the command arguments and the name of the
# class as the second word. Note that the case of the
# letters must be exactly correct for this to work, and do not
# specify the .nrx extension. For example:
# NetRexxC -run hello
# For a more flexible script for this, see NetRexxC.cmd
# Reminder: to make this executable: chmod 751 NetRexxC.sh
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# 2000.08.20 -- initial version derived from NetRexxC.bat
if test $# -eq 0; then
echo 'Usage:' $0 '[-run] [other options] filename'
echo ' '
# Drop through to display flags list
if test "$1" = "-run"; then
shift 1
java -ms4M $NETREXX_JAVA COM.ibm.netrexx.process.NetRexxC $*
if test $? -eq 0; then
if test "$netrexx_run" = "yes"; then
echo "Running $1..."
java $1
Tom. (ths@db-123.com)