classic REXX --> netrexx converter

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classic REXX --> netrexx converter

Hello there,

Happy new year to all of you.
I have just started to read the redbook Creating JAVA Applications using NetRexx.

Congratulations, Mike, by the way. Very interesting language.

As I have a rather huge library of classic REXX code, I would be interested to use this for further devlopments in Netrexx, so that I don't have  to start from scratch again.

Now my question: Does someone in the group have a classic REXX --> NETREXX converter ?

If yes, please let me know where to get it.
If not, I will probably start to write one.

thanks in advance, Tom.
Thomas Schneider
Projekt-Leiter Jahr 2000 & EURO-Umstellung
Buchgemeinschaft Donauland
Niederhofstr 37
A 1121 Wien

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