[netrexx-course] Abstract classes & confusion

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[netrexx-course] Abstract classes & confusion

dIon Gillard/Multitask Consulting/AU

> Using your SORT example

> So it allows every programmer to start from the same point so
> that there aren't millions of different versions created by
> millions of programmers.  Right?  We get to decide what's going
> to be actually done with the method since we finish the code.
Exactly. Take applets for example. The Applet class *could* have been
abstract. It's not, but that doesn't matter. It provides a starting point
for ALL programmers who want to write applets.

> I believe a lot of my confusion deals with the fact that
> everything is a class.
In an OO language a class is the only thing you can code. Inside the class
you code a method, but a method can't exist by itself. It's like procedures
in Rexx. A procedure is no good unless it's used by some program. A file
with just a procedure in it is no good.
Does this help?

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