[netrexx-course] JDK 1.2 and NetRexx 1.140

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[netrexx-course] JDK 1.2 and NetRexx 1.140

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        Note to those of you making JavaBeans with NetRexx...
        In my experience, the Jar utility in the JDK 1.2 beta seems to be
incompatible with NetRexx 1.140.
        Is this a known problem?
        Is there is a fix forthcoming?
        Can we update the NetRexx Language website with this info, to prevent
others from also wasting a lot of time?
        Apparently, in the meantime, you can work around this by compiling your
NetRexx app in JDK 1.2beta just as you would with JDK 1.x, but then making
sure you use the JDK 1.x Jar, not the new 1.2 version...

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