We are out here and we are very interested in the course.
Bob Marshall
Telephone 360/902-3198
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-----Original Message-----
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Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 1999 12:01 AM
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Subject: [netrexx-course] Re: Netrexx dead ?
Netrexx itself or the course??
I had a good chat with Max M about this while I was in Italy
recently, and
NetRexx itself definitely isn't dead, but there isn't much
marketing/discussion happening.
Also, my web server has been completely revamped recently, and some
of my
pages are not 100% either.
What is everyone up to?? The reason there hasn't been another
course is lack of feedback from the first lesson. It is really
disheartening to work on something like a course and have very
directional feed back. I've been sitting on the second lesson for a
months now....is anyone interested?
What other things are people interested in?
* News
* Views
* Products
* Sample Code
* Intro material
* Setting up a working group?
I personally have lots of things I'd like to see happen (for
example, VNR
has been worked on since last release, but again, lacks feedback
users, doclets for 1.2 to replace the API docs I've got on the web,
JSP for
NetRexx etc, etc)
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