I've had NetRexx working fine on Win98....
Just install the JDK (Sun or IBM for example), install NetRexx, and add
netrexxc.zip (in nrtools.zip, needs extracting) to the classpath statement
in Autoexec.bat
@echo off
REM For JDK1.2
set classpath=.\
SET PATH=%PATH%;c:\jdk1.2\bin
REM For NetRexx
SET CLASSPATH=%classpath%;d:\progra~1\netrexx\netrexxc.zip;c:\jdk1.2\lib\tools.jar
SET PATH=%PATH%;d:\progra~1\netrexx
dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting
http://www.trongus.comIve been having troubles getting Netrexx and JDK working under win98, and
the installation help Ive found is for older versions of netrexx, and when
I try to
follow it it just crashes Win98, anybody use win98 and can let me know how
install it?
Evan Darrow
[hidden email]
ICQ ID# 37408478
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