On Thu, 05 Nov 1998 10:59:32 -0600, Tom McGivern wrote:
>Is this a "purchase" product?, or (hopefully) a GNU type product?
>Does somebody have a simple say "hello world" example? to test that the
>product is installed properly?
>at what point do I need to start purchasing pieces to get this thing to
>(I'm running win95, HP-UX, AIX, OS/400 and OS/390 V2.4)
>will it run on these platforms?
It's all FREE. As far as the course, any books used you have to buy.
NetRexx comes with samples to test your installation. The NetRexx docs
explains this quite well.
You'll never have to buy anything as far as I know. NetRexx creates
*.java source files, which are then used to create the Java bytecode
that will run on any platform that has a JVM (Java Virtual Machine).
We're still on lesson 1. Go to:
http://www.flash.net/~jpedone/netrexx.htmlto catch up on what has taken place so far (I'm probably the most
ignorant in the group).
There's also a beta of a Visual NetRexx IDE at:
http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Studios/3599/VisualNetRexx/index.htmlAlso join the NetRexx mailing list (separate from the course list) at:
http://www2.hursley.ibm.com/netrexx/nrmlist.htmThe main NetRexx site is:
http://www2.hursley.ibm.com/netrexx/Terry Norton
Warped with OS/2
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