[netrexx-course] Visual Age Netrexx

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[netrexx-course] Visual Age Netrexx

Mr. Swainson,

Please, forgive me for responding to someone elses email, however the subject
has my deepest interest.

The attached email was sent to a public maillist that caters to NetRexx users,
much like myself. I therefore respond to both that maillist and to your email

I can't emphasize enough, my desire to have a Visual Age for NetRexx for my
java development. I am working with NetRexx more and more each day and have
found it an easy to understand language and highly productive. You can't
imagine my enthusiasm when I found out that a Visual Age NetRexx product was
actually under consideration. And I've been "tuned in", waiting the progress
notices or updates that you said would be forth comming from one of your
collegues. Which, incidentally, there have been none. Mr. Swainson, I've been
waiting. <G>

Now, in reading your post to Mr. Andreas Zieritz, you mention that NetRexx is
still being considered for use in the "VisualAge environment". Is there anyway
possible that you can elaborate on this a bit? Reading your post has me highly
charged and sitting on the edge of my seat, as this is one IBM product that I've
been waiting for. Is there anything else that you can let loose to the public
about the Visual Age NetRexx IDE? Right about now, anything would be positive.

Thank you,
            Jerry McBride

>From: John Swainson <[hidden email]>
>To:   Andreas Zieritz <[hidden email]>
>Subject:  Visual Age Netrexx
>Andreas, we are working on some proposals to use Netrexx as a scripting
>language within our VisualAge enviroment.  Stay tuned to the
>netrexx website for more info
>John A. Swainson
>General Manager, Application & Integration Middleware
>Software Solutions Division, IBM Corp., Somers, NY 10589
>914.766.1680. Secretary Barbara DiAntonio x 1685
>Please respond to Swainson@ibmus or Internet [hidden email]
>From: Andreas Zieritz <[hidden email]>
>To:   John Swainson/Somers/IBM
>Subject:  Visual Age Netrexx
>I have heard rumours about IBM developing a Visual Age for Netrexx. If
>this is true I would very much encourage you to continue to do so, I am
>very excited about that product.
>Can you give me some information about the current status?
>I am programming with Netrexx and I found out that is the most ideal
>language for me. It is much more powerful than Basic and far from being
>so difficult to understand as Java. The thing I am missing most is an


| Jerry McBride      |
| [hidden email] |

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[netrexx-course] Re: Visual Age Netrexx

Michel Plungjan-3
I sounds more like they were considering Netrexx as a sort of macro language for the
family of VA like REXX is used in f.ex. the EPM editor.

I am still very much interested in more news about using Netrexx as a scripting


Jerry McBride wrote:

> Mr. Swainson,
> Please, forgive me for responding to someone elses email, however the subject
> has my deepest interest.
> The attached email was sent to a public maillist that caters to NetRexx users,
> much like myself. I therefore respond to both that maillist and to your email
> address.
> I can't emphasize enough, my desire to have a Visual Age for NetRexx for my
> java development. I am working with NetRexx more and more each day and have
> found it an easy to understand language and highly productive. You can't
> imagine my enthusiasm when I found out that a Visual Age NetRexx product was
> actually under consideration. And I've been "tuned in", waiting the progress
> notices or updates that you said would be forth comming from one of your
> collegues. Which, incidentally, there have been none. Mr. Swainson, I've been
> waiting. <G>
> Now, in reading your post to Mr. Andreas Zieritz, you mention that NetRexx is
> still being considered for use in the "VisualAge environment". Is there anyway
> possible that you can elaborate on this a bit? Reading your post has me highly
> charged and sitting on the edge of my seat, as this is one IBM product that I've
> been waiting for. Is there anything else that you can let loose to the public
> about the Visual Age NetRexx IDE? Right about now, anything would be positive.
> Thank you,
>             Jerry McBride
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >From: John Swainson <[hidden email]>
> >To:   Andreas Zieritz <[hidden email]>
> >cc:
> >Subject:  Visual Age Netrexx
> >
> >Andreas, we are working on some proposals to use Netrexx as a scripting
> >language within our VisualAge enviroment.  Stay tuned to the
> >netrexx website for more info
> >
> >John A. Swainson
> >General Manager, Application & Integration Middleware
> >Software Solutions Division, IBM Corp., Somers, NY 10589
> >914.766.1680. Secretary Barbara DiAntonio x 1685
> >Please respond to Swainson@ibmus or Internet [hidden email]
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >From: Andreas Zieritz <[hidden email]>
> >To:   John Swainson/Somers/IBM
> >cc:
> >Subject:  Visual Age Netrexx
> >
> >I have heard rumours about IBM developing a Visual Age for Netrexx. If
> >this is true I would very much encourage you to continue to do so, I am
> >very excited about that product.
> >
> >Can you give me some information about the current status?
> >
> >I am programming with Netrexx and I found out that is the most ideal
> >language for me. It is much more powerful than Basic and far from being
> >so difficult to understand as Java. The thing I am missing most is an
> >IDE.
> >
> --
> /--------------------\
> | Jerry McBride      |
> | [hidden email] |
> \--------------------/
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> For easy online travel reservations, go to Internet Travel Network:
> http://www.itn.net
> eGroup home: http://www.eGroups.com/list/netrexx-course
> Free Web-based e-mail groups by eGroups.com

For easy online travel reservations, go to Internet Travel Network:

eGroup home: http://www.eGroups.com/list/netrexx-course
Free Web-based e-mail groups by eGroups.com