netrexx support newer java releases

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netrexx support newer java releases

Phillip Gramly-2
are there plans to have netrexx work with newer releases of java? 9, 10, 11, ?


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Re: netrexx support newer java releases

Good that you ask. Yes!

To be precise, all NetRexx compiled code supports Java 9 and above.
Under certain circumstances, the compiler itself can also be executed succesfully on Java 9 and above.
On my JDK >8 machines I am running NetRexx 3.09 with the native ‘nrc’ compiler, which enables compilation of NetRexx source, with some small limitations for Java API calls.
The native compiler is there for Linux and macOS. Windows, as usual, is a bit of a problem, but I have good hope it will finally work in the not-so-distant future.

Support of the Java module system for compiles requires a rewrite of a large part of the classer code. It will be there eventually - in this world of constantly switching priorities it is somewhere at the top of my list, only held down by the availability of Java 8 for all major platforms.

best regards,


On 15 Aug 2020, at 17:41, Phillip Gramly <[hidden email]> wrote:

are there plans to have netrexx work with newer releases of java? 9, 10, 11, ?

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