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Hi Rene, and all:

1.) I'm currently in the process to release my stuff, as far as it is
NetRexx related,
to the NetRexx repository there at Kenai.

What has always been there since years  in the repository:  --a set of utilities,
like change, locate, etc, etc -- the
former Rexx2Nrx run-time
                      package including an emulation of those classic
Rexx Routines not available in Netrexx.

As I did *donate* those to RexxLA Years ago, I never did understand why
the respective jar-files
did never appear at the home page.

As a matter of fact, the utils mentioned above *are* the testcases for
the RUN-Time Package ;-)

2.) As my ancient home-page has expired and does no
longer exis I shall also upload now
the sources of Rexx2Nrx (both the classic Rexx sources and the
boots-trapped NetRexx sources)
to the Kenai site, including all test-cases mentioned at

3.) I shall use SVN for this. I have been a fool not to learn SVN
earlier, as I did stick to my own
methodology invented at GEISCO and ported to DOS batch files ...

4.) I shall also establish my experimental Rey Compiler (Rey::== Rexx
for Java) there on Kenai.


pls.advise whther I should do this in the NetRexx/contributions/thsitc/  
repository as well, *or*
at the already established ReyC project at Kenai.

At the same time, I apologize, that I always did say: The NetherLands.
Did always *think* it's spelled this way, but did see a totally
unrelated TV yesterday
and had to recognize it's spelled: The NederLands.

Sorry for that, was *not* done by intent, but by ignorance.
Nobody is perfect, as You see.

Thomas Schneider.

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Thomas Schneider, Vienna, Austria (Europe) :-)